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Hot Mama Gowns Help Mom's Look & Feel Their Best!
Childbirth is a beautiful thing....but let's face it....after all the laboring and pushing most mother's are far from beautiful and their appearance can use all the help it can get.
How many women can say that someone complimented them on their appearance while in labor or right after their baby was born?
Thanks to Hot Mama Gowns..... I can!
But vanity is not all that made Hot Mama Gowns a Must-Have for me.
First you need to understand.....I have a major issue with staying in hotels because I cannot stand sleeping in sheets that countless strangers have slept in before me. In fact, I try to wear as much clothing to bed as I can when staying in a hotel to keep my skin from coming in contact with the sheets.
I know that hospitals are much cleaner than hotels but I have the same feeling about hospital gowns that I do about hotel sheets. Thinking about all the bodies (not to mention bodily fluids) that have come in contact with that faded hospital gown kind of makes my skin crawl.
I can't help but wonder...when a patient dies in the hospital do they dispose of the gown?
Maybe knowing that hospitals sanitize their linens should comfort me but instead it just makes me think of all the chemicals that the fabric has been soaked in. So you can probably see why I also would not want a hospital gown to be the first fabric that my baby's skin comes in contact with.
I love that Hot Mama Gowns are made of organic cotton in a variety of fashionable prints and now they even offer luxurious swaddling blankets to match.
I love the design of Hot Mama Gowns as they don't look like your typical hospital gown but are still very functional. The gowns have a full snap-down back to keep mom's "assets" covered but still allows doctors easy access. The two individual ribbon-tied panels (that add so much style to the gown) also allow for quick, easy and discreet nursing.
I do have to tell you that one nurse
(obviously on a jealousy induced power-trip )
tried to keep me from wearing my own gown, telling me that it would get messy and that in an emergency situation they may have to cut it off of me.
I just told her that I understood and would take my chances (praying that wouldn't be the case)!
I am happy to report that my Hot Mama Gown is still in one beautiful piece and since we ended up having to stay an extra day in the hospital and I loved wearing my Hot Mama Gown so much... I sent my gown home with my husband to be laundered so that I could wear it the second day too. It washed up very nice and was so comfortable.
Hot Mama Gowns expand to fit your pregnant belly and contract for wear as nursing pajamas after your hospital stay. So it is something that you can continue to wear long after you have taken your baby home from the hospital as a nursing gown or you could always pack it away for your next hospital stay.
If you are expecting and want to treat yourself to something that will make your hospital stay extra special or are looking for a special gift for a mommy-to-be...
I would highly recommend checking out...
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I would also like to note that Hot Mama Gowns
come beautifully packaged and ready for gift-giving.
I would like to thank Deidrea Haysel, The "Hot Mama" behind HotMamaGowns.com for sending me a gown (free of charge for this review) and for giving me the opportunity to share my Hot Mama experience with you.